学部・学科・専攻 Department





氏名 木村 聡一郎
フリガナ(ローマ字) キムラ ソウイチロウ(Soichiro Kimura)
職名 教授
学位 博士(農学)
担当授業科目 微生物学Ⅰ、微生物学Ⅱ、免疫学Ⅰ、感染制御学、微生物学実習、薬局実務実習、薬学総合プレ研究、卒業研究Ⅰ、卒業研究Ⅱ、総合演習Ⅰ、感染看護学特論Ⅰ、感染看護学特論Ⅳ、感染看護学演習Ⅱ
専門分野 微生物学、感染症学、免疫学
現在の研究テーマ 病原体の病原性および感染免疫に関する研究
研究内容キーワード ワクチン、肺炎、病原性、感染免疫、薬剤耐性
主な著書・学術論文 Whole-genome sequencing analysis of molecular epidemiology and silent transmissions causing meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections in a university hospital. Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Aoki K, Kajiwara C, Kimura S, Maeda T, Yoshizawa S, Sasaki M, Murakami H, Hisatsune J, Sugai M, Ishii Y, Tateda K, Urita Y. Journal of Hospital Infection. 139 141-149, 2023
Protective effect of teriparatide against vancomycin-induced cytotoxicity in osteoblasts. Tsuji K, Kimura S (Corresponding author), Tateda K, Takahashi H. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 28 1384-1391, 2023
Jagged-1 reduces Th2 inflammation and memory cell expansion in allergic airway disease. Kimura S, Dupee Z, Lima F, Allen R, Kazmi S, Diodati N, Lukacs N, Kunkel S, Schaller M. ImmunoHorizons. 7: 168-176, 2023
Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophages contributes to the chronicity of Mycobacterium avium infection by promoting foamy macrophage formation. Kajiwara C, Shiozawa A, Urabe N, Yamaguchi T, Kimura S, Akasaka Y, Ishii Y, Tateda K. Journal of Immunology. 210: 1-10, 2023
Increased Incidence and Plasma-Biofilm Formation Ability of SCCmec Type IV Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolated From Patients With Bacteremia
Hamada M, Yamaguchi T, Sato A, Ono D, Aoki K, Kajiwara C, Kimura S, Maeda T, Sasaki M, Murakami H, Ishii Y, Tateda K. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11, 2021
Traditional Japanese Herbal Medicine Hochu-ekki-to Promotes Pneumococcal Colonization Clearance via Macrophage Activation and Interleukin 17A Production in Mice. Nakakubo S, Kimura S (Corresponding author), Mimura K, Kajiwara C, Ishii Y, Konno S, Tateda K. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10 569158-569158, 2020
Tissue Damage Caused by Impaired Phagocytosis of Dead Cells: A Previously Unrecognized Adverse Effect Contributing to the Pathogenesis of γδ T Cells in Legionella Pneumonia.
Kajiwara C, Kimura S, Tanaka Y, Akasaka Y, Ishii Y, Tateda K. ImmunoHorizons 4(7) 402-414, 2020
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine modulates macrophage-mediated innate immunity in pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae following influenza. Mimura K, Kimura S (Corresponding author), Kajiwara C, Nakakubo S, Schaller MA, Ishii Y, Standiford TJ, Kunkel SL, Tateda K. Microbes and infection 22(8) 312-321, 2020
Does vitamin D3 prevent the inhibitory effect of vancomycin on osteoblasts? Tsuji K, Kimura S (Corresponding author), Tateda K, Takahashi H. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 478 420-433, 2019
JunB plays a crucial role in development of regulatory T cells by promoting IL-2 signaling. Katagiri T, Yamazaki S, Fukui Y, Aoki K, Yagita H, Nishina T, Mikami T, Katagiri S, Shiraishi A, Kimura S, Tateda K, Sumimoto H, Endo S, Kameda H, Nakano H. Mucosal immunology 12(5) 1104-1117, 2019
Role of interleukin-17 in a murine community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia model. Shibue Y, Kimura S (Corresponding author), Kajiwara C, Iwakura Y, Yamaguchi K, Tateda K. Microbes and infection 21(1) 33-39, 2019
Metformin Mediates Protection against Legionella Pneumonia through Activation of AMPK and Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species. Kajiwara C, Kusaka Y, Kimura S, Yamaguchi T, Nanjo Y, Ishii Y, Udono H, Standiford TJ, Tateda K. Journal of Immunology 200(2) 623-631, 2018
Azithromycin Modulates 3 ',5 '-cyclic Diguanylic Acid Signaling in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Kimura S (Corresponding author), Mori N, Kai T, Ishii Y, Yamaguchi K, Tateda K. Journal of Infection anc Chemotherapy 23 550-555, 2017